having almost finished the station completely. im now onto making the background. what im going to try and do is make at least a dozen different looking buildings then just randomly assort them around the parts of the background which will be seen. since its based in a city the buildings will be quite massive so a dozen sky scrapers from ground level should cover the background. i will have them lit up from below so the shadows are cast upwards and may or may not give them a texture. i may put some glow in the odd window just to make it look a bit more alive.
drawing a dozen buildings is getting a bit repetitive. but im almost there. i have taken the classic new york buildings like the flatron, empire state, chrysler, and that cool one from the first ghostbusters film which acts like a ghost magnet and brings the staypuff marshmallow man to kick some ass.
i think im still on schedule to finish for the end of the term, heres hoping i stay on schedule and dont slip behind. heres a picture of some of the buildings so far.