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Expressionist station gets its first arrival

January 23, 2009
I did a short animation showing the train arriving at the station today. (VIDEOS) tried to make it look stormy but so much quality is lost thanks to windows movie maker that you cannot tell if its raining or if its just fuzzy. I may need to look into sounds for the clip as the ones i have are not the best and don't really sync-up with the animation. The picture stills of the station and train look really good. I am thinking of doing the background either painted or using a previous photo i took of the skyline of New York at night.


thunder and rain and lightning and an expressionist building

January 22, 2009
i looked at some expressionist buildings and came accross the air force academy. What a fantastic looking building, with lots of sharp diagonals and brilliant up-lighting i thought id have to try and design the train station for my deco train to look like this. i also tried doing lightning and thunder and rain. the rain i found a much simplier solution for. i used the film grain overlay in movie maker, it does the job. the lightning is just blue lights which flicker every now and then, and we...
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introduction movie

January 22, 2009
I did some experimenting into an introduction title credit sequence. The sort you see at the start of every film etc. My attepmt was made without much detail, and apologes for the really low resolution but with youtube video hosting i cant choose. The introduction video is on the welcome page of my site.

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Advantage module and work

January 21, 2009
For my advantage module - an extra module we do at university to learn more skills. I decided to pick designing with computers. I know I will be covering alot of things i already know but the animation side is based around 3D Studio Max. Which I haven't gotten round to using yet. So i will be looking forward to learnign some skills with it. It shouldn't be too different from Cinema 4D.
I drew up the final piece of work roughly on C4D last night, Took around 20 minutes. I'll spend alot longer o...
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Deco Train Animated

January 14, 2009
Within 15 minutes of keyframing i managed to get the train to look as though it is moving. I added some steam and voila. The hardest part will be trying to make it sync up with sound. I am either going to have to scour the internet to find one that fits; edit a sound file to make it fit or create my own sound for the train. Either way it is going to be tasking.
Follow this link to go to my videos and see the train for yourself.

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Art Deco Train

January 12, 2009
Added first images of the Art Deco Train. A model which i may use in my final piece for the Hard Boiled project we have been set. We are meant to utilise shadows and light. I have made only a few light sources on the train which should, combined with the other light sources. Create a very dark and moody image. Click  -HERE-  to go to the page.
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Battlestation Illustration

January 12, 2009
This is the first part of my new blog. I have decided to get a blog as to keep people up to date with my current events a bit more easily.
I will post new work links and anything else i see interesting here from now on.

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About Me

Currently studying Illustration at Coventry I have always taken a shine for, and shown considerable skill in, computer images and animation. After my degree I hope to continue onto bigger things like film and marketing. I prefer to draw vehicles and settings as opposed to character design. Vehicles interest me far more than drawn people do and the complexity of character animation is for people with motion capture suits. Which i don't own.


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