Below you will find links to various works from throughout Bored As studio's lifetime. These projects vary from the first ever glints of work from my days at school to the bigger university projects.

Click on the image to proceed to the link.


Below is the link to my PDP webfolio. This shows my working process through units at university. Not exactly very interesting but its something else.


Any comments, feedback, enquiries and everything else. Just drop me an email

 ~Aircraft drawn throughout the years. (2001+)
 University Projects

~Projects undertaken while i am currently studying illustration at Coventry University. (2007+)

Self-Motivated Projects

~Projects done over holidays and just when i want to practice a certain skill I learnt. (2006+)

 Very Early Projects

~Projects heralding from the very early days of my 3D modelling love. Using an architectural programme as opposed to the modelling one i have now. (2001-2006)


~Videos of animations made by Bored As Studios. (2001+)

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