
From classroom boredom to university subject

 The Begining:

"The Movie"

Back in 2001 when I first started at my new upper school at age 13 I took to the computer graphics lessons like a house on fire. Since i came from a very unwealthy background we didn't have a computer. And the ones I had been previously aquainted with were basically as technologicaly advanced as the Casio calculator I used in Maths. The teacher introduced us to a 3-Dimensional modelling programme called "Pro-Desktop". The concept of drawing computer generated models amazed me. During our first lessons in the programme I would ponder along with the class. then i started to get quicker and quicker at what we had to do. Which left alot more time open to playing about with the software. Whilst other classmates were struggling with the concept of a cube I was making models of a tank, boat, plane and various other, quite boyish, itmes. After a legion of play abouts i managed to get my hands on a copy of the programme to take home with me. With all the time in the world now to play with I decided to try and go one step further and make a short movie. Since this was a modelling programme and not an animation programme I was forced to do a stop-motion frame by frame movie. Which got named very creatively "The Movie". It was nothing but low quality for sure, and can be found in the videos section of this site.


"The Movie Series"

Even though it was of appauling quality, it was entertaining and was shown about to my friends and at my Step-Dad's workplace. Which prompted me to create another film. Thus, a series was born, a series given the name "The Movie Series". Which is quite an original name. The characters were all based on my friends and the storyline was heavily influenced by almost every film with some sort of explosion in it. There was no spoken audio, everything was done with subtitles since I was too shy to record my voice. And with more internal jokes than a live lounge in your colon, it appealed to only a small audience, and even then the laughs were more at the (lack of) quality rather than overall film appeal. I decided to put credits to the lovely name "Bored As F#$K Studios" since most of the models were created out of boredom in my class while I was waiting for my classmates to finish the assigned work.



"Enter the Animation Software!"

Many a year passed since the time I had Pro Desktop and frankly I was getting very bored of stop motion animations. So the first thing on my list was a computer, and after splashing out a good chunk of money i saved towards university I obtained a PC mighty enough to do some serious 3D modelling on. Now all i needed was software. Enter my contacts in the IT department who found me a programme called Cinema 4D. Which is what I am using currently. This programme can do it all and I find it as easy to take to as Pro Desktop was. My first animation i did was the "impossible shot", which is in the videos section of the site and involves the most ludacris shot ever devised.

Present Day:

"I love cliches, special effects, and monsterous vehicles. Don't you?"

Now its 2008 and im about to start my second year at uni and my first year doing Ba(Hons) Illustration. I am greatly hoping to learn all the things that I'm missing right now. Which is the ability to illustrate clearly and do storyboards. After that who knows where I'll go but i do have my eye on doing an advanced masters in Mumbai in computer animation and special effects.

Now I try and do as much modelling as I can. Getting ideas from friends just to fill the time-frame inbetween actual works. I have helped out a local architecural firm Z Solutions (Look them up they are good) and hope to try and get my foot in some more doors as yet to come. "Bored As F#$K" was changed to "Bored As" Studios due to the public viewing of one of my animations at the end-of-year art foundation degree exhibition.

I will try and update the legacy of Bored As Studios as often as i can.


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