"Hard Boiled" 

~ Another major uni project. Involving the creation of a German Expressionist scene utilising shadows and Expressionist architecture and style.

The top image links to the Deco train page.

The middle image links to the Station page.

The bottom image links to the train and station page.

(16 weeks)

X-mas Card

~A project we had to complete over X-mas holidays. To design a X-mas card that didn't show the cheer and joy of x-mas but more the anti-x-mas things.
(1 week)


"Candide" Images

~This was a week long project given to us to make us work in a team. Since I was at thanksgiving when the brief was handed out I wasn't in a team. But I tried anyway. (3 days)

 FINAL "Jerusalem" Images
~ The final images for the "Jerusalem" Project.

 "Jerusalem" Images
~ For this main project in my module "Introduction to Illustration" we have been tasked to do two Freise type pictures. These are images 50cm x 20cm. They must show a positive and a negative image of the country.
(8 weeks)

"Do I Have To?" Final image

~ A project where we had to illustrate the cover of a book we would never read. My choice; the magical menopause.

 "Lonely Room" Images

~The first illustration project i had to do this year. An illustration based on the story of a girl who moves to Liverpool as a pilgrimage as she loves the Beatles. But when she arrives her life takes a turn for the worst and the city basically whittles her down to nothing. she dies alone.
(1 week)


~One of the final pieces i did in my foundation art and design year at Coventry University. It was meant to be a comedy. (2.5 months work)

 "VIOLENCE! DON'T FIGHT IT!" Animation Screenshots

~Another final piece i did. The comic book was to accompany this animation and come with its DVD. (3 months work)

Other University Works 

~Random bits and bobs from various terms during my university foundation year. (1 school years worth of work)

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