
We were given an extract of text to work off. Candide by Voltaire. And we had to come up with any type of media we wanted to represent a section. We worked in groups, alas i wasnt there on the day it was set so i was by myself, and each person took on a different role. I started with character design for the ships, going from original galleons and ending up with these futuristic versions as we were told we didnt have to stick to normality. I made them look like galleons of space, they would float through a nebula in space as if it was the atlantic ocean. A nebula is a giant cloud of gas in space, simply put.

 After looking through this drawing i decided to tweak it slightly; first off I am going to change Candides ship, the one in the bottom left. It looks too tacky and suprisingly was rushed. This is a concept i drew up on the bus, then added colour and a background later on. I took inspiration from a manta ray, hence the spines and the ray shaped rear. I also drew it up to resemble a sort of submarine because in space you need a sealed enviroment and boats dont exactly offer that, but submarines do, and they're boats technically too.

 AThe rework of the image, i re drew Candide's and the French ship. Added effects like lightning and explosions and created more shadows to try and give the image some depth..

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